House landscaping as seen from road

Improving Your Curb Appeal as a Homeowner

You may have heard that it’s what’s on the inside that matters. When it comes to real estate, however, the exterior can be just as important. Your home’s curb appeal can be the deciding factor in a potential buyer’s asking price. With Rock Products, Inc., find out more about what curb appeal means, why it’s important, and the steps you can take to improve your home’s appeal and maximize its value.

The Importance of Home Curb Appeal

Curb appeal refers to the exterior appearance of your home. It encompasses the architectural design, the condition of your siding and roof, the landscaping, the lighting, and anything that can be seen from the curb. These features are some of the most crucial when it comes to attracting potential buyers. For many reasons, a home’s curb appeal can make or break a sale:

  • First impressions: Curb appeal is the first thing potential buyers notice when viewing your home. If they walk in impressed, they might view the rest of your property more positively.
  • Demonstration of care: Landscaping takes effort to maintain. If your front lawn is beautifully tended, it’s a good indication that the other parts of your home are equally well cared for.
  • Neighborhood value: While the inside of your home is private, the outside is seen and shared by everyone. An attractive exterior adds beauty and appeal to the whole neighborhood.
  • Marketability: In the modern market, many buyers begin with browsing online. The appeal of the thumbnail influences which listings they will click through, and which they won’t.

Research indicates that curb appeal can account for up to 7% of a property’s value. With so much riding on it, homeowners are wise to pay attention to their street view.

Ideas to Improve Appeal

Luckily, there are many ways to enhance your home’s appeal. Tips range from extravagant upgrades to simple DIY improvements that won’t break the bank. Here are some of our suggestions for homeowners interested in boosting curb appeal to improve their home value:

Spring Cleaning

When boosting your curb appeal, you don’t always have to start with something spectacular. Simply cleaning your home’s exterior can make a significant difference. Weed the garden, rake the sticks and leaves, wipe down the windows, and power wash the siding. The effort will leave your home looking sparkly and fresh after only an afternoon of work.

Garden Greenery

Another way to enhance your home’s appearance is by livening up the landscaping. Eye-catching plants, flower beds, and hanging planters can go a long way toward adding appeal. Don’t stop with plants, either. You can also enhance your landscaping with a new layer of mulch, or modernize with landscaping stone or a dry bed.

Brighten Lighting

While updating your landscaping, don’t forget to mind the lighting. At a minimum, make sure your existing outdoor lighting is clean and functional with new bulbs and no cobwebs. You may also want to install some new fixtures. Lighting doesn’t just highlight your home and add beauty at night. It’s also an important safety feature.

Emphasize Entrances

The front door is where buyers and guests will first enter your home. By drawing attention to it, you make your home more inviting. Repainting the door with a pop of color will help it stand out. Flower pots, fresh fixtures, and a new doormat add polish. If you’d like to take it a step further, improve your front porch with some brand-new masonry.

Outdoor Living

Outdoor living areas add both style and function by extending your living area outside the home. A porch or patio provides space to relax or entertain your family and friends. If you plan on selling, it also inspires potential buyers with ways they could enjoy your home while living there. Outdoor living can be as elaborate as a fully furnished minibar, or as simple as a fire pit with chairs.

Improve Your Home with Rock Products, Inc.

If you are interested in enhancing your home’s curb appeal and value, now is the time to get started. Rock Products, Inc. is a landscape and hardscape supplier based in West Deptford, serving the state of New Jersey with high-quality products and convenient freight delivery. To find out more about our services for homeowners and contractors, contact us today.

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